I think every birthday blog starts with, "I can't believe all this time has past." Well, guess what, I can't believe that you are 7 years-old. What happened to my
chunka baby? She has turned into a beautiful, responsible little lady. I joke that you are a 40 year-old woman stuck in a little girls body. I am always so amazed at how sensible and mature you are - even sometimes more then me. You are such a blessing to all of us, especially when you remind us of our sugar intake. :) You are so quiet, but such an individual. You make my heart sore to the moon!
Happy Birthday to my Pink Princess Lauren.
If Lauren could rub her sweet, precious, good girl attitude on my child that would be fantastic!! Happy Birthday Lauren
I ditto Courtney!!!! Let's start with Mel though because I think it's too late for Lexi - but worth the try!!!
Happy Birthy sweet girl Lauren!!!
You are so loved!
Auntie Shannie & the Garbiero Crew
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