Guess who's 12??? We had a great day yesterday celebrating Brianna's birthday. We headed out to The Grove so Brianna could spend the entire day at The American Girl Store. I figure she is not going to want to play with dolls for very much longer. Although she assures me that she will play with her AG forever. What an amazing place. Walking into this store always takes my breath away. I could only imagine what she feels. She kept telling me she wanted to scream. The plan was to let her browse and explore every inch of that place, and boy did she ever. I don't think she left one box untouched.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Happy Birthday Brianna!!!
Posted by gm-vasquez at 10:33 AM 6 comments
Friday, August 15, 2008
The Most Wonderful Time of the Year
Yes, the countdown is on! Only 10 days till the kids go back to school. All the supplies are bought and labeled and organized. I can honestly say that they are ready to start back. They miss their friends and they are so excited to be one grade older.
This will be my first time in 12 years not having a baby home with me. Well not Tuesdays and Thursdays anyway. Seriously, who ever invented preschool must not have been a mommy. I don't know about all the other moms out there, but 3 hours, twice a week just doesn't cut it. I can't make it to the mall and back in that time.
So, last night we where sitting around the dinner table and I mentioned that Brianna will be able to attend the school dances this year. Big Mistake. Mike about came out of his skin. He feels she is still too young and that she doesn't need to be exposed to boys and girls slow dancing. (I am really trying not to laugh.) At our school the 7th and 8th graders are considered jr. high, so he doesn't get why 6th graders would be included in the dances. I think what put him over the edge was the fact that parents are not allowed to chaperon. He asked me to PLEASE not argue with him, and starting next year she could go. Is this really something I need to battle or should I just let it go? Advice anyone???
Posted by gm-vasquez at 9:18 AM 5 comments
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
I'm Back
Yes, my child can walk on water!
I do have to admit I am a worry-wort. I worry about things and people I just can't control. I think it's my OCD. So from this day forth, you people, whom I love and adore are on your own. However, for preventative reasons I'm going to keep my Monday Massages booked for a few more weeks.
Where have I been? In headache hell. I don't get headaches and about two weeks ago I got the headache of my life. 12 days of this obnoxious, nagging, can everyone please be quiet, pain. I'm not one to take drugs, so I tried the natural approach. Exercise, acupuncture, massages, sending the kids to grandma's so I wouldn't hurt them. Finally, last Friday I called my doctor, and he told me that it was all STRESS!!! I mean seriously, who stresses out in the summer? I guess I do, I worry if the kids are having fun, am I making fun memories for them or are they going to look back on this summer and say "that was boring." Well I realized that my mom never worried if I was being entertained for 10 weeks. And after asking the kids about their summer they all said they where having a blast and they couldn't believe that it was almost over.
I do have to admit I am a worry-wort. I worry about things and people I just can't control. I think it's my OCD. So from this day forth, you people, whom I love and adore are on your own. However, for preventative reasons I'm going to keep my Monday Massages booked for a few more weeks.
Posted by gm-vasquez at 9:14 AM 2 comments
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