Yes, my child can walk on water!
I do have to admit I am a worry-wort. I worry about things and people I just can't control. I think it's my OCD. So from this day forth, you people, whom I love and adore are on your own. However, for preventative reasons I'm going to keep my Monday Massages booked for a few more weeks.
Where have I been? In headache hell. I don't get headaches and about two weeks ago I got the headache of my life. 12 days of this obnoxious, nagging, can everyone please be quiet, pain. I'm not one to take drugs, so I tried the natural approach. Exercise, acupuncture, massages, sending the kids to grandma's so I wouldn't hurt them. Finally, last Friday I called my doctor, and he told me that it was all STRESS!!! I mean seriously, who stresses out in the summer? I guess I do, I worry if the kids are having fun, am I making fun memories for them or are they going to look back on this summer and say "that was boring." Well I realized that my mom never worried if I was being entertained for 10 weeks. And after asking the kids about their summer they all said they where having a blast and they couldn't believe that it was almost over.
I do have to admit I am a worry-wort. I worry about things and people I just can't control. I think it's my OCD. So from this day forth, you people, whom I love and adore are on your own. However, for preventative reasons I'm going to keep my Monday Massages booked for a few more weeks.
I think that I would have a headache for therest of my life if I could keep the Monday Massages!!!!
And by the way - you are an AWESOME Mom!!! I can only hope I am half as good as you!
Love you!!!!!!!!
Glad you are ok. Was worried you just stopped blogging:-(
Enjoy the massages!!!
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