Friday, October 3, 2008

Happy Friday

So, I remembered a conversation that I had with Emma this week.

Emma: Mommy, is Ariel (the mermaid) a sister or a mommy?
Me: Ariel is a sister. She's actually a little sister just like you, Emmie.
Emma: No Mommy, I don't think so. I think Ariel is a mommy.
Me: Why do you say that?
Emma: Ariel's a mommy cuz she's got BOOBS.

She is obsessed with female body parts. I am really trying to teacher her to respect others, but she is so sassy and forward that all I want to do is laugh.

The kids had testing this week so I got a break from all my 6th grade homework. Seriously, the workload Brianna has this year is unbelievable. The problem is that I am more stressed out then she is. She is so mellow about her homework, sometimes I want to light a firecracker under her butt.

I am ready for baseball season to be over. Listening to Michael yell at the TV is so obnoxious. "What are you doing?" "How much do you get paid?" "$15million to hit singles???" Can someone tell me how much longer.

Have a great weekend. I hope all you favorite teams win.

P.S. Still waiting for books 3 &4. On the bright side. I get to touch Mark Sanchez tomorrow!!!


caxline said...

the same mark sanchez that is coming off a loss to an unranked team????

JK...just rubbing it it!

Bill and Paige said...

I want to touch mark sanchez!!

Garb Fam said...

I sooo am not anticipating homework. Mar gets the math, sciences and anything that has construction. I get the history, english and spelling. Should be quite entertaining...

CrazyRossHouse said...

Emma is right, she doesn have boobs. Good thing I'm not around her right now cuz I am really a mom:)