Monday, January 5, 2009

Back to school 2009

This is going to be quick! The kids are back to school today. HOORAY!!! Brianna was so excited to show off her new Hello Kitty lunch pail and bling-bling watch. H.K. has come a long way since my Sanrio days. Lauren was just concerned that I wasn't going to wake up on time. I'm happy to report that all went well and they were at school 20 minutes early.

I'm off to the paint store, linen store and of course grocery store. I'm rearranging rooms this week, so I'm in total HGTV mode. The painters come next week so I have one week to finish planning for three rooms. I'll post before and after pictures soon.

P.S. To my loving and concerned friends, I did not go to the Rose Bowl with Mike and the kids. I just couldn't face the nasty potties. I did send the kids with toilet-paper, wipies and hand sanitizers.

Have a great week!

XOXO, Gaby


Garb Fam said...

Good girl you got your butt out of bed on time. It's lookin' good already for you in 2009!!! ;0)

The porto potties were disgusting!!!!!! I peed once like at 10AM and held it until we got home at like 9PM. Just can't do it. I think they should have someone giving shots so you don' catch like typhoid or something when you leave those things!!! YUCK!

Love you!!!!

Bill and Paige said...

YOu are too funny with the porto potties!!

Can't wait to see the rooms!

Anonymous said...

Oh my- I wonder were the fear of coodies come from lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

On another note- silver sage walls with the pink comforters, white furniture will look fab.