Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Happy Boy

Look who's all smiles these days!

Well, he's all smiles as long as someone is talking to him, carrying him or paying some sort of attention to him. Luke has realized the beauty of being part of a large family. If he yells someone will come running. Smart boy!


Kris said...

What a cutie pie!!!

Garb Fam said...

Ahhh I LOVE those 1st smiles!!!! Enjoy!!! This is the last time you are going to have itty bitty baby smiles, right? ;0)~ Love you!

Bill and Paige said...

So cute!!

kkp1220 said...

such cute pics

CrazyRossHouse said...

He is so darn cute. Meghan is not up long enough to smile. 13 weeks and she is barely smiling!