Monday, June 29, 2009


It's summertime at the Vasquez compound!
I hope to have more time to keep this darn blog updated.
I don't think I will ever figure out how to upload pictures in the right order. Serves me right for waiting sooo long to blog. Here is a small photo time line (backwards) to update everyone with what we've been up to for the last few months.

Luke Aidan turned 4 month!!!
Sleeps all night, has TWO teeth, and is almost rolling over.

Emma gets to move to the Big Kid's class at preschool next year.

Brianna was promoted to Jr. High!

M.V. is off to 5th grade.

Lauren finished 2nd grade and is just about ready to receive her 1st Communion!

Luke found his thumb! Alleluia, he's sleeping all night.

Luke turned 3 months

Taylor Swift Concert with our BFFs


Kris said...

FINALLY...a post!! Luke is darling!!! All the kiddos are growing up!!

Garb Fam said...

WOW! Where is the time going??? You are such a FANTASTIC Mommy!!! Taylor Swift! You ROCK!!!