Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Welcome Home!!!

I am happy to say that my sister, Yvette is in town visiting from Colorado Springs. She's been gone for 10 months and this is her first visit home since. The kids and I are enjoying every minute with her, and Brian too of course. Although, his 14-year-old social calender has kept him quite busy.

Last night, I was able to sneak him into the graduation dance at his former jr. high. Grandma and I catered and Brian was an "assistant." All the kids were so excited to see him, but they couldn't figure out why he was passing out taquitos. That lasted about 5 minutes, then I didn't see him the rest of the night. Thanks for all the help, Brian!

We haven't been able to accomplish much this week because of Emma's naps and Michael Vinny's all-star practices. The fact that all the kids are in bed until 9:30am doesn't help much either. That's okay. Yvette and I take advantage and just talk, talk, & talk. We are definitely making up for lost time. She and I did manage to sneak out last night and I introduced her to PINKBERRY!!!

My sister is one of the sweetest persons I know. She is really trying to find the beauty of her new home. She says the views are breathtaking, especially when everything is covered in snow. But to say that she hates it there would be the understatement of the year. She jokes that she feels like an alien...we haven't decided if she means illegal or outer space.


Saturday, June 21, 2008

Still learning the ropes

Today is day two of blogging and I am still trying to figure this out. I managed to get a pretty backround and add a photo of us to the title. I've decided to limit myself to blogging no more then three times a week, because Michael already thinks I have a computer addiction. I'm sure most people don't want to know that much about me anyway. Since I am still practicing I am going to try to add a pix to this post to see how it works out.


Friday, June 20, 2008

1st day blogging

Okay, so I am gonna give this a try. The idea of having to blog daily kind of scares me. Do I really have time for this? Probably not, but I love the idea of being able to share special moment with family and friends. Especially those I never see. Wish me luck.