Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Look What I Found

I was talking to my girlfriend Kris yesterday, who is also obsessed with Edward Cullen and Co. She told me about another book that Stephenie Meyer was working on, but was stolen. It is Edward's point of view to "Twilight." OMG poor guy. It's the first 12 chapters and they can only be read off of her website. Stephenie explains what happened to the manuscript and how she knows who posted it on the web. I thought about downloading it but it's like 250 pages. So I added it to my favorites and I read it every chance I get.

Did anyone else out there already read this? I am about 1/2 way done with book 2 and Kris told me to put it down until I read "Midnight Sun" online. I just can't do that, so I have taken on reading 2 stories at the same time.




Bill and Paige said...

Yes, I have it saved on my desktop and I try to get to it when I can. I'm on book 3! Book 2 is difficult to get through because it's a slow 1st half:)

Garb Fam said...

Damn like I need another freaking thing to read! I am sooooooo going on there!
Love ya!

caxline said...

if you would have come to kate's party...I would have told you.