Wednesday, October 29, 2008

It's Finally My Turn

Michael takes his sports very seriously. He feels that in order for the kids to have an advantage he needs to enroll them in private lessons and camps. Brianna & Michael V. have participated in quite a few soccer, volleyball & baseball camps ($$$$). Thank goodness Lauren doesn't like "sweaty sports," so her and Emma are my gymnast-ballerinas.

Michael V. is definitely a natural athlete, Brianna, like me, doesn't have the killer instinct. (but she sure does try hard). A few weeks ago a flyer came home for a mini-cheer camp hosted by our local Catholic high school. Being a former fu-fu, you can only imagine my excitement. My poor husband wanted to die. His worst nightmare coming true. He wanted nothing to do with it.

The girls participated in a day long camp. They learned game cheers, proper arm placements, jumps, and a super cute dance they preformed at last Friday night's game. Michael & Michael V. did come out to show their support - I'm sure the football game helped too. The girls did their dance at half time. Michael was so proud of his fu-fu girls. He even commented on the fact that we might have found Brianna's niche. Although, he hasn't given up on getting her to try track.

Brianna * Lauren* Emma

Lauren was so nervous about going on the field. She got over it really quick.
You should see this girl shake-it.

Emma is waiting to be 4 so she can go to cheer camp too.
The girls taught her the routine, so she danced right along.

Brianna & BFF Stacey. Of course they have to do this together.


A group shot after their performance.


CrazyRossHouse said...

So Cute!! Maybe you can teach them a few cheers. I'm sure between you Carrie and I we could remember a few USA cheers:)

Bill and Paige said...

I have an idea...
You and Courtney should bust out your old St. Joseph's cheer uniforms and show them how it's done. Don't let Courtney tell you she doesn't have them anymore...they are hanging in my mom's closet:)

Garb Fam said...

Soooooo CUTE!!! Love those girls!!!

Although I agree with Paige BUT I want to see Court & Gaby in those SJHS cheer uniforms NOW!!!! :0)~ Jumps & All!
Love you!