Friday, May 1, 2009

Shots Suck!

I've done this a multitude of times and it never seems to get easier.

Luke had his 2 month check-up on Wednesday and I cried. No, not because he's getting so big so fast, well maybe, but because my poor baby had to get FOUR shots. The nurse wanted to give him a fifth one, but I said NO! I think she wanted to put me over the edge. I always question my decision to vaccinate my kids. I mean I know I have to if I want them to attend school, but the anxiety that come with vaccinating your kids these days is so nerve wracking.
On a happier note. Luke is doing really well.
At 2 months, these are a few of his stats:

Luke Aidan - 2 months
13 lbs. - 24 inches tall

Still sleeps really well.
2 naps during the day.
Up to 6 hours straight at night!

Loves the car.
Loves attention from the big kids.
Loves sleeping right in the middle of mom's bed. (only during the day)

This sweet baby has been such a blessing to our family.
We love you, Lukie.


Kris said...

Oh my gosh, he has grown so much!!! I want to hold him!!

kkp1220 said...

I wish my 2 month old would sleep 6 hours;-)

He is adorable and I love those pics

Bill and Paige said...

He's so cute!! How do you get him to nap during the day? I wish Hayley would nap, but I guess I can't complain because she's sleeping through the night...but pls do advise on getting her to nap since you've done it a million times with your 12 kids:)

CrazyRossHouse said...

He's so cute. I can't believe you are letting him sleep in your bed. that is so unlike you. What would the book say??

Garb Fam said...

I second the "Shots Suck". You know you are just never prepared for someone pricking your babe with a needle. ACK! Love him for me!!!